L9 yop
Jonathan   Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
I bet you were wandering in a field one day, just idly carrying a big stone, like I was yesterday. Then you saw these two birds, just sitting there, waiting to be killed. Of course, you looked around for another stone but the field was stoneless, was it not? You were then forced to use the one stone you had against those birds and so in a mad blind moment of frustration you just hurled that stone, didn't you, only to find that it missed both birds and went straight through the window of a tractor. Then the police got involved and your life was ruined forever, like mine was - am I right?
Vetrina degli achievement più rari
☠HukoTuH☠CS.MONEY 13 lug 2020, ore 23:49 
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Horse 18 feb 2020, ore 17:54 
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Horse 10 dic 2019, ore 18:51 
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Horse 10 dic 2019, ore 18:50 
Used to carry me in life, now only cares about Mrs. Kamikaze
Firering Death 9 gen 2019, ore 17:28 
-rep cheats even after a vac ban
Horse 15 mag 2018, ore 18:43 
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